Bioceramics and Materials Chemistry Laboratory
Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Caner Durucan
General Information
Completed and Ongoing Research Projects
General Information
A procesing laboratory specializing in low-temparature materials synthesis by chemical routes, suited for sol-gel processing of ceramics and glasses and coatings; hybrid bio/inorganic and organic/inorganic materials.
- FTIR Spectrometer (Perkin Elmer Frontier, equipped with PIKE GladiATR Reflection, PIKE 80Spec, Specular Reflectance tools)
- UV-Vis Spectrometer (Varian Cary 100 Bio)
- Isothermal Titration Calorimeter (TAM Air, 8 Channel Calorimeter and TAM Air Thermostat)
- Viscometer (Brookfield DV-E)
- Coating equipment (Laurell WS-400B-6NPP-LITE spin coater, Bungard RDC15 dip coater)
- General Laboratory equipment/appliances: A wet laboratory suitable for use of organic precursors, with water purification systems (DI-water), equipped with hot plates, mixers, drying ovens, furnaces, ambient and atmosphere controlled box and tube furnaces, ultrasonic baths and horn, homogenizators, pH meters, centrifuges
Completed and Ongoing Research Projects
- Development of bioactive thin film coatings by sol-gel routes, METU Research Fund, Jan. 2005-Dec. 2007.
- Development of antibacterial silver-doped silicate coatings by sol-gel, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-TÜBİTAK, Grant106M061, Aug. 2006-Aug. 2008.
- Development of silver nano particle-based sensors for biomedical and biotechnological
- applications, Visiting Scholar, OSU, Aug. 2007-Oct. 2007, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-TÜBİTAK, 2219 Program
- Development of biomolecule encapsulation platforms for biosensor applications,
- METU Research Fund, Jan. 2007-Dec. 2008.
- Synthesis of metal biocide doped antibacterial silica particles, METU Research Fund, Jan. 2009-Dec. 2009.
- Morphology controlled synthesis of zinc oxide (ZnO) nanoparticles, METU Research Fund, Jan. 2009-Dec. 2010.
- Development of silver incorporated titania based photo catalytic thin film by sol-gel methods and improvement of functional properties thereof, METU Research Fund, Jan. 2011-Dec. 2011.
- Indium tin oxide (ITO) coatings elaborated by the modified sol-gel processing routes,
- Principal Investigator, The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey-TÜBİTAK, Grant109M475, June 2010-June 2012.
- Aqueous-based processing of transparent conductive oxide (TCO) thin films on glass,
- Principal Investigator, METU Research Fund, Jan. 2010-.
- Silver-doped zinc oxide (ZnO): Nanoparticle synthesis and development of thin film coatings, METU Research Fund, Jan. 2012-.
- Nathan P. Mellott, Alfred University, USA.

Last Updated:
20/10/2022 - 17:41