Metals Development Laboratory
Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Y. Eren Kalay
General Information
Completed and Ongoing Research Projects
General Information
The research group is primarily focused on understanding the dynamical evolution and structural hierarchy at different length scales and controlling the phase selection mechanisms under far-from-equilibrium conditions in metallic systems. Area of interest include, but not limited to, amorphous and nanocrystalline metallic alloys, lead-free solders, RE-free magnets, superaustenitic stainless steel and single crystal growth.
- Quartz/Pyrex sealing system: For sealing of metallic alloys under controlled atmosphere: For the production of low melting alloys systems (i.e. solders)
- Thermal-shock Instrument (comp. controlled; home-made): For thermal-shock and thermal fatigue experiments (-35°C – 200 °C)
- Various other tools (high precision balance, high/low temperature furnaces, specimen preparation tools)
Completed and Ongoing Research Projects
- Nanocrystalline Formation in Marginal Glass Forming Alloys (2011-ongoing) METU – BAP Project
- Lead-Free Alloys for Electronics Industry (2012-ongoing) METU – BAP Project.
- Embrittlement in Superaustenic Stainless Steels (2011-ongoing) in colloboration with Prof. Scott Chumbley, ISU.
- Development of ETS crystals (2012-ongoing) METU – DAP Project.
- Local Structural Orders in Al based Metallic Glass (2012) – Elettra Synchrotron Center
- Single crystal growth of CZT (2012 - ongoing) – SSM Project
- Prof. Matthew Kramer, Ames Laboratory, Ames, IA, USA.
- Assoc. Prof. Paul Voyles, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA.
- Prof. Scott Chumbley, Iowa State University, Ames, IA, USA.
- Prof Raşit Turan, Department of Physics, METU.
- Prof. Mehmet Parlak, Department of Physics, METU.
- Assoc. Prof. Burcu Akata Kurç, Department of Micro and Nanotechnology, METU.
- Assist. Prof. Hande Toffoli, Department of Physics, METU.

Last Updated:
14/05/2021 - 23:01