Ali Kalkanlı (Chair)

Ali Kalkanlı
Prof. Dr.
Room No: A-202
Tel: +90 (312) 210-5929
Fax: +90 (312) 210-2518
- Postdoc, The University of Nottingham, UK (1993)
- Ph.D. The Open University Milton Keynes, U.K (1993)
- M.S. Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- B.S. Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- Rapid Solidification
- Powder Metallurgy
- Melting and Casting
- Cast Iron Solidification
- Magnets and Metal Matrix
- Cardakli, I.S., Kalkanlı, A., Refinement of primary carbides in AISI DC 53 cold work tool steel by thin section copper permanent mould casting and water atomization, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CAST METALS RESEARCH, Vol.32 (2019) 145-153
- Cardakli, I.S., Kalkanlı, A., Effect of solidification rate on microstructure and primary carbides of AISI DC 53 cold work tool steel, CHINA FOUNDRY, Vol.16 (2019) 211-216
- Dincer O., Pehlivanoglu M.K., Caliskan N.K., Karakaya I., Kalkanli A., Processing and microstructural characterization of liquid phase sintered tungsten-nickel-cobalt heavy alloys. International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, Volume: 50, (2015) 106-112
- Koraman E., Baydogan M., Sayilgan S., Kalkanli A., Dry sliding wear behaviour of Al-Fe-Si-V alloys at elevated temperatures. Wear, Volume 322-323 (2015) 101-107.
- Changizi A., Kalkanli A., Sevinc N., Production of in-situ Aluminum-Titanium diboride master alloy formed by slag-metal reaction, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 509 (2011) 237-240
- Cetin A, Kalkanli A, “Numerical simulation of solidification kinetics in A356/SiCp composites for assessment of as-cast particle distribution”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY Volume: 209 Issue: 10 Pages: 4795-4801 Published: JUN 1 2009
- Cetin A, Kalkanli A, ”Multi-scale characterization of particle clustering in discontinuously reinforced composites”, MATERIALS CHARACTERIZATION Volume: 60 Issue: 6 Pages: 568-572 Published: JUN 2009
- Cetin A, Kalkanli A, “Effect of solidification rate on spatial distribution of SiC particles in A356 alloy composites”, JOURNAL OF MATERIALS PROCESSING TECHNOLOGY Volume: 205 Issue: 1-3 Pages: 1-8 Published: AUG 26 2008
- Elmabrouk O, Kalkanli A, Selcuk E, et al. “Oxygen potential values to produce compacted graphite cast iron”, CANADIAN METALLURGICAL QUARTERLY Volume: 47 Issue: 2 Pages:173-186 Published: APR 2008
- Arhami M, Sarioglu F, Kalkanli A, et al “Microstructural characterization of squeeze-cast Al-8Fe-1.4V-8Si”, MATERIALS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING A-STRUCTURAL MATERIALS PROPERTIES MICROSTRUCTURE AND PROCESSING Volume: 485 Issue: 1-2 Pages: 218-223 Published: JUN 25 2008
- Kalkanli A, Yilmaz S, “Synthesis and characterization of aluminum alloy 7075 reinforced with silicon carbide particulates” MATERIALS & DESIGN Volume: 29 Issue: 4 Pages: 775-780 Published:2008
- Cetin A, Kalkanli A, “Evaluation of latent heat of solidification of grey cast iron from cooling curves”, CANADIAN METALLURGICAL QUARTERLY Volume: 44 Issue: 1 Pages: 1-5 Published: JAN 2005
- Kalkanli A, Menekse K, Ozyurda HA, “Effects of air atomisation, spray deposition and melt overflow techniques on microstructural features of Al-Fe-V-Si alloy”, POWDER METALLURGY Volume: 48 Issue: 3 Pages: 264-269 Published: SEP 2005
- Yaneva S, Kalkanlı A, Petrov K, Et Al. Structure Development in Rapidly Solidified Al-Fe-V-Si Ribbons,Materials Science and Engineering A-Structural Materials Properties Microstructure and Processing 373 (1-2): 90-98 May 25 2004
- Bostan B, Ozdemir AT, Kalkanlı A, Microstructure Characteristics in Al-C System After Mechanical Alloying and High Temperature Treatment, Powder Metallurgy 47 (1): 37-42 Mar 2004
- Kalkanlı A, Ören EE, Effect of Spraying Rate on Microstructure of Spray Deposited Al-Fe-V-Si Alloy, Powder Metallurgy 46 (4): 324-328 Dec 2003
- Kalkanlı A, Uysal İ, Güldür H, The Analysis of Cooling Curves for Grey Cast Iron and its Mechanical Properties, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 42 (3): 343-348 Jul 2003
- Kalkanlı A, Angi S, Effect of Cooling Rate on Microstructure and High Temperature Stability of Rapidly Solidified Al-Fe-V-Si Alloys, Powder Metallurgy 42 (4):359-365 1999
- Kalkanlı A, Wood JV, Braithwaite N, Melt İnstabilities and the Effect of Surface Tension on Preventing Edge Serrations in Melt Overflow Alloy Strip Casting ISIJ INTERNATIONAL 38 (2): 142-148 1998
- Kalkanlı A, Wood Jv, Gibbs Mr, Production And Assessment of Direct Cast Soft Magnetic Alloy Strips, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials 83 (1-3): 395-398 Jan 1990
Last Updated:
18/07/2022 - 14:43