Alpay Ankara

Alpay Ankara
Prof. Dr.
Research Interests:
- Mechanical Metallurgy
- Composites
- Joining and Testing
- Simir M, Ankara A, “Comparison of two non-destructive inspection techniques on the basis of sensitivity and reliability” Materials & Design Volume: 28 Issue: 5 Pages: 1433-1439 Published: 2007
- Dara İ.H, Ankara A, Akovalı G, et al., “Heat-damage assessment of carbon-fiber-reinforced polymer composites by diffuse reflectance infrared spectroscopy”, Journal of Applied Polymer Science, 96 (4): 1222-1230 May 15 2005
- Ankara A, Dara B.G, Weisgerber D, “The thermal loading response of CFRP structures”, Journal of Thermoplastic Composite Materials, 16 (4): 317-331 Jul 2003
- Ankara A, Doyum A.B, “The welding technology and non-destructive testing centre of the Middle East Technical University” Insight 40 (9): 619-620 Sep 1998
- Ankara A, Arı H.B, “Determination of hot crack susceptibility in various kinds of steels”, Materials & Design, 17 (5-6):261-265, 1996
- Kaynak C, Ankara A, Baker TJ, “Initiation and early growth of short fatigue cracks at inclusions”, Materials Science and Technology, 12 (5): 421-426 May 1996
- Kaynak C, Ankara A, Baker TJ, “Inclusion induced anisotropy of short fatigue crack growth in steel”, Materials Science and Technology 12 (7): 557-562 Jul 1996
- Kaynak C, Ankara A, Baker TJ, “A comparison of short and long fatigue crack growth in steel”, International Journal of Fatigue 18 (1): 17-23 Jan 1996
- Kaynak C, Ankara A, Baker TJ, “Effects of short cracks on fatigue life calculations”, International Journal of Fatigue, 18 (1): 25-31 Jan 1996
- Kaynak C, Ankara A, “Short Fatigue Crack-Growth In Al-2024-T3 and Al-7075-T6”, Engineering Fracture Mechanics 43 (5): 769-778 Nov 1992
- Ankara A, Weisgerber D, Vilsmeier J, “Influence of Thermal Spiking on Properties of Carbon-Fiber Reinforced Plastic”, Materials Science and Technology 2 (11): 1081-1085 Nov 1986
- Ankara A, Weısgerber D, Vılsmeıer J, “Effect of Post-Curing on Properties of Carbon Fiber-Epoxy Composites”, Materials Science and Technology 2 (7): 647-652 Jul 1986
Last Updated:
04/06/2024 - 14:59