Foundry, Metal Processing and Automotive Materials Laboratory
Primary Researcher(s) / Coordinator(s): Prof. Dr. Ali Kalkanlı
General Information
Completed and Ongoing Research Projects
General Information
This laboratory is equiped with casting, forging , rolling , thermal analysis system during solidification and semi industrial scale heat treatment furnaces . Equipments are available to study processing of both industrial alloys and metal matrix composites for automotive, defence and machine industry. The research students are sponsored by government research funds such as TUBİTAK and State Planning Organization DPT, matching funds San-Tez Projects.
- 25 Kg steel capacity induction furnace (İnductotherm)
- 100 Kg steel capacity induction furnace (İndemak)
- 15 Kg steel capacity vacuum induction melting (Elphiac Balzers)
- 18 Kg steel capacity Motor generator Magnethermic induction furnace
- 200 Tons capacity pressure die caster
- 15 Tons capacity thixocaster
- Centrifugal casting machine
- 100 Tons/ 70 Tons Vertical hydraulic double action press multiple purpose for squeeze casting hot forming and powder pressing.
- 300 Kg aluminum melting resistance furnace
- Sand muller
- 20 Kg aluminum capacity fuel fired furnaces for non ferrous alloys
- Forced convection tempering furnace (600℃ max temp)
- Atmosphere controlled Heat treatment furnace with ( Cracked ammonia atmosphere -1200℃ max temp)
- Optical emission spectrometer WAS Foundrymaster
Completed and Ongoing Research Projects
- Micro-nano silicide reinforced aluminium extruded aerospace alloy development. TUBİTAK Project 2005-2008
- Production of industrial blades by brazing and hardening of tool steel BAP DPT Project 2007-2008
- Production and development of ceramic fibre reinforced metal matrix composite machine gun parts. Sponsored by : Ministry of Science, Industy and Technology –MKE Mechanical and Chemical Industries Corporation San-Tez project 2008-2011
- Light and environment friendly four door original design car development project. Sponsored by : Ministry of Science, Industy and Technology –ERTEX San-Tez project 2010-2012
- BAS Bulgarian Academy of Science Institute of Metals
- MKE Mechanical and Chemical Industries Corporation
- Rutaş Pressure Die Casting Company Ankara
- Odöksan ELBA Cast Iron Foundry Osmaneli Bilecik
- Erkunt Foundy Ankara
- Lamasan Printing Blades and Machinery Ostim Ankara

Last Updated:
11/07/2019 - 17:52