Arcan Dericioğlu

Arcan Dericioğlu
Prof. Dr.
Room No: D-106
Tel: +90 (312) 210-5941
Fax: +90 (312) 210-2518
Refereed Journal Papers
Book Chapters
- Sabbatical (08.2015-08.2017, University of Massachusetts - Lowell)
- Research Fellow, Int Center for Young Scientists, National Inst. for Mater Sci, Ibaraki, Japan (2003-2005)
- Postdoc, Inst of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo (2002-2003)
- Ph.D. The University of Tokyo, Japan (2002)
- M.S. Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- B.S. Middle East Technical University, Turkey
- Additive manufacturing of metallic materials and composites.
- Electromagnetic wave absorbing materials.
- Natural and bio-inspired composites.
- Phase transformations and interfaces.
- Heat Treatment and microstructural control.
- Ceramic and ceramic matrix composite processing.
- Nanostructured coatings and surface composites.
- Mechanical characterization.
Refereed Journal Papers
- Doğu, M. N., Esen, Z., Davut, K., Tan E., Gümüş, B. and Dericioglu, A. F., “Microstructural and texture evolution during thermo-hydrogen processing of Ti6Al4V alloys produced by electron beam melting,” Materials Characterization, vol. 168, 110549 (2020)
- Esen, Z., Öcal, E. B., Akkaya, A., Gürçay, B., Özcan, C., Özgümüş, B. A., Duygulu, Ö. and Dericioğlu, A. F., “Corrosion behaviours of Ti6Al4V-Mg/Mg-Alloy composites,” Corrosion Science, vol. 166, 108470 (2020)
- Bütev Öcal E., Esen, Z., Aydınol, K. and Dericioğlu, A. F., “Comparison of the short and long-term degradation behaviors of as-cast pure Mg, AZ91 and WE43 alloys,” Materials Chemistry and Physics, vol. 241, 122350 (2020).
- Tülbez S, Esen Z. and Dericioglu A. F., “Effect of CNT impregnation on the mechanical and thermal properties of C/C-SiC composites,” Advanced Composites and Hybrid Materials, vol. 3, 177-186 (2020)
- Hajisaeid, E., Dericioglu, A. F. and Akyurtlu, A., “All 3-D Printed Free-Space Setup for Microwave Dielectric Characterization of Materials,” IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, vol. 67, no. 8, 1877-1886 (2018)
- Hajisaeid, E., Dericioglu, A. F. and Akyurtlu, A., "A novel experimental method for microwave dielectric characterization of flexible or rigid thin sheets," 89th ARFTG Microwave Measurement Conference: Advanced Technologies for Communications, ARFTG 2017, 8000838 (2017)
- Bilgin G. M., Esen, Z., Akın S. K. and Dericioglu, A. F., “Optimization of the mechanical properties of Ti-6Al-4V alloy fabricated by selective laser melting using thermohydrogen processes,” Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. 700, 574-582 (2017).
- Atabay S. E., Esen, Z. and Dericioglu, A. F., “Effect of Sn Alloying on the Diffusion Bonding Behavior of Al-Mg-Si Alloys,” Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A-Physical Metallurgy and Materials Science, vol. 48A, no. 7, 3181-3187 (2017).
- Gurbuz S. N. and Dericioglu A. F., “Nacre-mimetic bulk lamellar composites reinforced with high aspect ratio glass flakes,” Bioinspiration & Biomimetics, vol. 12, no. 1, 016002 (2017).
- Gurbuz S. N. and Dericioglu A. F., “Nacre-mimetic epoxy matrix composites reinforced by two-dimensional glass reinforcements,” RSC Advances, vol. 6, no. 39, 33184-33196 (2016).
- Aydogan E., Kaya S. and Dericioglu A. F., “Morphology and magnetic properties of barium hexaferrite ceramics synthesized in x wt% NaCl-(100-x) wt% KCL molten salts,” Ceramics International, vol. 40, no. 1 PART B, 2331-2336 (2014).
- Sahoo, S. C., Sinha, S. B., Kiran, M. S. R. N., Ramamurty, U., Dericioglu, A. F., Reddy, C. M., and Naumov, P., “Kinematic and Mechanical Profile of the Self-Actuation of Thermosalient Crystal Twins of 1,2,4,5-Tetrabromobenzene: A Molecular Crystalline Analogue of a Bimetallic Strip,” Journal of the American Chemical Society, vol. 135, no. 37, 13843-13850 (2013).
- Nakaş G. İ., Dericioglu A. F. and Bor Ş., “Monotonic and cyclic compressive behavior of superelastic TiNi foams processed by sintering using magnesium space holder technique,” Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. 582, 140-146 (2013).
- Esen, Z., Dikici, B., Duygulu, O. and Dericioglu, A. F., “Titanium-magnesium based composites: Mechanical properties and in-vitro corrosion response in Ringer's solution,” Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. 573, 119-126 (2013).
- Gurbuz S. N. and Dericioglu A. F., “Effect of reinforcement surface functionalization on the mechanical properties of nacre-like bulk lamellar composites processed by a hybrid conventional method,” Materials Science and Engineering C, vol. 33, no. 4, 2011-2019 (2013).
- Dericioglu A. F., Naumov P. and Tanaka Y., “Templated deposition of porous fullerene-C60 in the interior of siliceous sponge spicules as a biogenic microvessel,” Journal of Materials Research, vol. 27, no. 22, 2851-2857 (2012).
- Nakaş G. İ., Dericioglu A. F. and Bor Ş., “Fatigue Behavior of TiNi Foams Processed by Magnesium Space Holder Technique,” Journal of the Mechanical Behavior of Biomedical Materials, vol. 4, no. 8, 2017-2023 (2011).
- Dericioglu A. F., Liu Y. F. and Kagawa Y., “Extensive deformation behavior of an all-oxide Al2O3-TiO2 nanostructured multilayer ceramic at room temperature,” Journal of Materials Research, vol. 24, no. 11, 3387-3396 (2009).
- Ekiz O. O., Dericioglu A. F. and Kakisawa H., “An Efficient Hybrid Conventional Method to Fabricate Nacre-Like Bulk-Nano-Laminar Composites,” Materials Science and Engineering C, vol. 29, no. 6, 2050-2054 (2009).
- Tan E., Kagawa Y. and Dericioglu, A. F., “Electromagnetic Wave Absorption Potential of Si-C Based Ceramic Woven Fabrics,” Journal of Materials Science, vol. 44, no. 5, 1172-1179 (2009).
- Chlup Z., Dlouhý I., Gürbüz S., Dericioğlu A. F. and Kozák V., “Interfacial characterisation in transparent spinel matrix reinforced by SiC fibre,” Key Engineering Materials, vol. 409, 252-259 (2009).
- Dericioglu A. F., “Effect of Microstructure on the Mechanical Behavior of Reactive Magnetron Sputtered Al2O3/TiO2 Multilayer Ceramics,” Materials Transactions, vol. 49, no. 11, 2714-2722 (2008).
- Lindstrom H., Dericioglu A., Kamei M., and Kagawa Y., “Variation of Mechanical Properties of TiO2 during Li Insertion,” Electrochemical and Solid-State Letters, vol. 10, no. 5, E7-E10 (2007).
- Naganuma, T., Kakisawa, H., Dericioglu, A. F. and Kagawa, Y., “Fabrication of alumina/polyimide multi-layered material by sputtering and vapor deposition polymerization,” Journal of the Ceramic Society of Japan, vol. 114, no. 8, 713-715 (2006).
- Tanaka M., Hasegawa M., Dericioglu A. F. and Kagawa Y., “Measurement of Residual Stress in Air Plasma-Sprayed Y2O3-ZrO2 Thermal Barrier Coating System Using Micro-Raman Spectroscopy,” Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. 419, no. 1-2, 262-268 (2006).
- Dericioglu A. F. and Kagawa Y., “Improvement of Fracture Resistance in a Glass Matrix Optomechanical Composite by Minicomposite Unit Bridging,” Materials Science and Engineering A, vol. 406, no. 1-2, 142-151 (2005).
- Dericioglu A. F., Boccaccini A. R., Dlouhy I. and Kagawa Y., “Effect of Chemical Composition on the Optical Properties and Fracture Toughness of Transparent Magnesium Aluminate Spinel Ceramics,” Materials Transactions, vol. 46, no. 5, 996-1003 (2005).
- Boccaccini A. R., Acevedo D., Dericioglu A. F. and Jana C, “Processing and Characterisation of Model Optomechanical Composites in the System Sapphire Fibre/Borosilicate Glass Matrix,” Journal of Materials Processing Technology, vol. 169, no. 2, 270-280 (2005).
- Dericioglu A. F., Zhu S., Kagawa Y. and Kasano H., “Damage Behavior of Air-Plasma-Sprayed Thermal Barrier Coatings under Foreign Object Impact,” Advanced Engineering Materials, vol. 5, no. 10, 693-696 (2003).
- Dericioglu A. F. and Kagawa Y., “Mechanical Behavior of an Al2O3-ZrO2 Minicomposite-Reinforced Glass Matrix Optomechanical Composite,” Materials Science and Technology, vol. 19, no. 8, 1119-1124 (2003).
- Dericioglu A. F. and Kagawa Y., “Effect of Grain Boundary Microcracking on the Light Transmittance of Sintered Transparent MgAl2O4,” Journal of the European Ceramic Society, vol. 23, no. 6, 951-959 (2003).
- Dericioglu A. F. and Kagawa Y., “Fail-Safe Light Transmitting SiC Fiber-Reinforced Spinel Matrix Optomechanical Composite,” Journal of Materials Science, vol. 37, no. 3, 523-530 (2002).
Book Chapters
- Dericioglu A. F., “Powder Core Materials” in “Transformers: Analysis, Design and Measurement,” Editors: Xose M. Lopez-Fernandez, H. Bulent Ertan, Janusz Turowsk, CRC Press, U.S.A., pp. 447-460 (2012).
Last Updated:
07/06/2021 - 10:33