Tarık Oğurtanı

Research Interests:
- Solid State Physics
- Computational Materials Science: Internal friction, Diffusion, Electromigration
- Surface Science: Irreversible Thermodynamic Theory of Surfaces & Interfaces
- Mechanical Spectroscopy: Internal Friction
- Senyildiz, Dogukan; Ogurtani, Omer Tarik; Buke, Goknur Cambaz,"The effects of acid pretreatment and surface stresses on the evolution of impurity clusters and graphene formation on Cu foil", Applied Surface Science, 425, 873-878, 2017
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Oncu AKYILDIZ, and Ersin Emre OREN, Morphological evolution of tilted grain-boundary thermal grooving by surface diffusion in bicrystal thin solid films having strong anisotropic surface Gibbs free energies, Journal of Applied Physics, In Print.
- Tarik O. OGURTANI and Oncu AKYILDIZ, Morphological Evolution of Intragranular Void under the Thermal-Stress Gradient Generated by the Steady State Heat Flow in Encapsulated Metallic Films: Special Reference to Flip Chip Solder Joints. Solid State Phenomena, Volume 139, pp.151, 2008
- Tarik O. OGURTANI and Oncu AKYILDIZ, Cathode edge displacement by voiding coupled with grain boundary grooving in bamboo like metallic interconnects by surface drift-diffusion under the capillary and electromigration forces. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 45, Issues 3-4, February 2008, 921-942
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Dirichlet extremum problem associated with the asymmetric grain-boundary groove topography under the Dirac delta type anisotropic surface stiffness in bicrystal thin solid films. Journal of Applied Physics, 102, 063517 (2007) (19 pages)
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Aytac CELIK, and Ersin Emre OREN, Morphological evolution of edge-hillocks on single crystal films having anisotropic drift-diffusion under the capillary and electromigration forces. Thin Solid Films, Volume 515, Issue 5, 22 January 2007, Pages 2974-2983.
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Unified theory of linear instability of anisotropic surfaces and interfaces under capillary, electrostatic and elastostatic forces: The regrowth of epitaxial amorphous silicon. Physical Review B, Volume 74, 155422 October 20, 2006.Also featured in: Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, November 6, 2006, Volume 14, Issue 1
- Tarik O. OGURTANI and Aytac CELIK, Surface morphological evolution on single crystal films by strong anisotropic drift diffusion under capillary and electromigration forces. Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 100, 043504 Aug 17, 2006.
- Tarik O. OGURTANI and Oncu AKYILDIZ, Computer Simulations on Grain Boundary Grooving and Cathode Edge Displacement in Bamboo-Like Metallic Interconnects in Materials, Technology and Reliability of Low-k Dielectrics and Copper Interconnects Editors: T.Y. Tsui, Y-C. Joo, A.A. Volinsky, M. Lane, L. Michaelson Mater. Res. Soc. Symp. Proc. 914 , Warrendale, PA, 2006, 0914-F09-22.
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Variational formulation of irreversible thermodynamics of surfaces and interfaces with triple junction singularities under the capillary and electromigration forces in anisotropic two-dimensional space. Physical Review B, Volume 73, 235408 June 13, 2006. Also featured in: Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, June 26, 2006, Volume 13, Issue 25
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Mesoscopic nonequilibrium thermodynamics of solid surfaces and interfaces with triple junction singularities under the capillary and electromigration forces in anisotropic three-dimensional space. Journal of Chemical Physics, Volume 124, 144706 April 14, 2006. Also featured in: Virtual Journal of Nanoscale Science & Technology, April 24, 2006, Volume 13, Issue 16
- Tarik O. OGURTANI and Oncu AKYILDIZ, Grain Boundary Grooving and Cathode Voiding in Bamboo-Like Metallic Interconnects by Surface Diffusion Under Capillary and Electromigration Forces. Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 97, 093520 May 1, 2005.
- Tarik O. OGURTANI and Ersin Emre OREN, Irreversible Thermodynamics of Interfacial Triple Junctions with a Special Reference to the Void Intergranular Motion under the Electromigration Forces. International Journal of Solids and Structures, Volume 42, Issue 13, June 2005 , Pages 3918-3952
- Tarik O. OGURTANI and Ersin Emre OREN, Electromigration-Induced Void Grain-Boundary Interactions: The Mean Time to Failure for Copper Interconnects with Bamboo and Near-Bamboo Structures. Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 96, Number 12, pp. 7246-7253 December 15, 2004.
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, M. Rauf GUNGOR, and Ersin Emre OREN, Interactive Computer Simulation of Dislocation Damping Spectra Associatedwith the Coupled Motion of Geometric Kinks and Point Defects Subjected to Bulk Segregation. Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 91, Issue 4, pp. 1860-1870, February 2002.
- Ersin Emre OREN and Tarik O. OGURTANI, Void Intergranual Motion Under The Action of Electromigration Forces in Thin film Interconnects with Bamboo Structure MRS 2001 Fall Meeting V695, pp L5.5.1-L.5.5.7 Editors: C.S. Ozkan, R.C. Cammarata, L.B. Freund, H. Gao, The Materials Research Society, USA, (2002), ISBN 1-55899-631-1
- Tarik O. OGURTANI and Ersin Emre OREN, Computer Simulation of Void Growth Dynamics Under the Action of Electromigration and Capillary Forces in Narrow Thin Interconnects. Journal of Applied Physics, Volume 90, Issue 3, pp. 1564-1572 August 1, 2001.
- Ersin Emre OREN and Tarik O. OGURTANI, The Effect of Initial Void Configuration on the Morphological Evolution Under theAction of Normalized Electron Wind Forces. MRS 2001 Spring Meeting V714 E, pp L9.2.1-L9.2.6 Editor: S. Lahiri, The Materials Research Society, USA, (2001)
- Tarik O. OGURTANI and Ersin Emre OREN, Computer Simulation of Void Growth Dynamics Under The Action of Electromigration and Capillary Forces in Narrow Thin Interconnects. Advanced Metallization Conference 2000 (AMC 2000), V16, pp 483-487. Editors: D. Edelstein, G. Dixit, Y. Yasuda, T. Ohba, The Materials Research Society, USA, (2001), ISBN: 1-55899-574-9
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, M. Rauf GUNGOR and Ersin Emre OREN, Interactive Computer Simulation of Dislocation Damping Spectra Associated with the Coupled Motion of Geometric Kinks and Point Defects Subjected to the Bulk Segregation Phenomenon. Mechanical Spectroscopy II, Solid State Phenomena, Volume 89-90, pp. 141-191 Editor: L. B. Magalas Trans Tech Publications, Switzerland, 2003. ISBN 3-908450-74-8
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Mathematical modelling of decoration peak associated with dragging point defects situated selectively at the kink chain with special references to hydrogenated BCC and FCC metals. Applied Mathematical Modelling, Volume 21, Issue 1, pp. 26-41 January 1997.
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, M. Rauf GUNGOR , The Power Spectrum Associted wih a Kink Chain Oscilating in a Nonstokesian Atmosphere of Paraelastic Interstitials J. Alloys and Compounds, 211/212, 141-143, (1994).Tarik O. OGURTANIComputer Modeling of the Interactions of Dislocations with Point Defects in Regards to Internal Friction. Materials Science Forum Vol.119-121,61-68, (1993).Tarik O. OGURTANIComputer Modelling of the Interactions of Dislocations with Point Defects in Regards to Internal Friction (Invited Paper) Proceedings of 6th ECIFUA in Solids, Krakow, Poland, (1991).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A.The Nonlinear Theory of Dislocation Induced Snoek Relaxation. Proceedings of 9th ICIFUA in Solids, Beijing, China, 99, (1990).
- Tarik O. OGURTANIAnomalous Amplitude Dependent Dislocation Damping Associated with the Anharmonic Oscillations of Coulombic Kink Chain in the Nonlinear Dissipative Atmosphere of Impurity Atoms. Phys. Status Solidi (A), 128, 69-81, (1991).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A.The Computer Simulation of the Internal Friction Peaks Associated with the Oscillation of Geometric Kinks Along the Nonscrew Dislocation in the Atmosphere of Nonlinear Power Dissipation Interstitials. J. Appl. Phys., 65(12), 4679-4687, (1989).
- Tarik O. OGURTANIThe Cherenkow Type Sharp Energy Dissipations Associated with Kinks (Solitons) Moving Harmonically in the Atmosphere of Paraelastic Interstitial Atoms. J. Appl. Phys., 66(11), 5274-5277, (1989).
- Tarik O. OGURTANIThe Exact Solution of the Geometric Kink Chain Oscillating in the Atmosphere of Paraelastic Interstitials and Decorated by a Dragging Point Defect. Phys. Rev. B, 40, 2873-2878, (1989).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A.Nonlinear Theory of Power Dissipation due to the Motion of Heavy Interstitials in a Fluctuating Inhomogeneous Field with a Strong Bias: Special Reference to the Snoek-Koster Relaxation. J. Appl. Phys., 62, 852, (1987).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A.Nonlinear Theory of the Dislocation Enhanced Snoek Effect and Its Connection with the Geometric and/or Thermal Kink Oscillations on Nonscrew Dislocations in Body-Centered Cubic Metals. J. Appl. Phys., 62(9), 3704, (1987).
- Tarik O. OGURTANIThe Nonlinear Theory of the Snoek Relaxation Effect Under the Strong and Homogeneous Bias Stress System. Phys. Status Solidi (B), 144, 129. (1987).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A."Nonlinear Theory of Power Dissipation Due to the Motion of Heavy Interstitials in Oscillating Inhomogeneous Fields with Strong Static Bias. J. de Physique, Coll. C8, Suppl. No:12, Tome 48, 167, (1987).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A.Dislocation Enhanced Induced Snoek Peak Associated with Heavy Interstitials in the Presence of Kink Moving Harmonically in Anisotropic BCC Metals. Phys. Rev., B31, 5044, (1985).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A.Unified Theory of Kink Dragging with a Special Reference to the Flow Stress and the Snoek-Koster Peak Relaxation in Anisotropic BCC Metals. J. Appl. Phys . , 57(2), 193, (1985).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A.Computer Modelling Experiments on Tetrahedral Interstitial-Kink Interactions with a Special Reference to Induced Snoek Peak J. Appl. Phys., 57(2), 5127, (1985).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A.The Drag Force Acting on a Kink Moving Uniformly in the Atmosphere of Paraelastic Interstitials in a BCC Metal J. Appl. Phys., 57(2), 4102, (1985).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A.Internal Friction and Viscosity Associated with Mobile Interstitials in the Presence of a Kink Harmonically or Uniformly Moving in Anisotropic BCC Metals. J. Appl. Phys., 55, 2857, (1984).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A.Kinetics of Hopping of Octahedral Interstitials in Arbitrary Time Dependent and Inhomogeneous Field: Body Centered Cubic Metals J. Appl. Phys., v.54, 3867, (1983).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A.The Kinetics of Hopping Motion of Interstitials with Chemical Reaction in Arbitrary Time Dependent Inhomogeneous Fields J. Chem. Phys., v.79, 5041, (1983).Tarik O. OGURTANISolitons in Solids. Ann. Rev. Materials Sci . , v.13, 67, (1983).
- Uygur E. M., and Ogurtani T.Internal Friction in AISI 1010 Steel. J. de Physique, C9, v.44, 319, (1983).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A.The Theory of Strain Amplitude Dependent Dislocation Damping in the Presence of Uniform Point Defect Dragging. J. de Physique, C9, v.44, 619, (1983).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Seeger A.Internal Friction Associated with Mobile Interstitials in the Presence of a Kink Harmonically or Uniformly Moving in Anisotropic BCC Metals. J. de Physique, C9, v.44, 639, (1983).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Theory of Dislocation Damping Related to Point Defect Dragging. J . de. Physique, Coll. C5, Suppl. 10, 42, 235, (1981).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Unified Theory of Dislocation Damping with Special Reference to Point Defect Dragging. Phys. Rev., 8, 21, 4373, (1980).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, The Kinetics of Atomic Diffusion to Stacking Faults and Related Special Problems in Cold Worked Alpha Brasses. Metall. Trans. AIME, 10A, 1505, (1979).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, X-Ray Diffraction Studies of the Room Temperature Annealing Kinetics of Stacking Faults in Severly Deformed Alpha Brasses. Microstructural Science, 3, 227, (1975).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, The Room Temperature Anneling Kinetics of Stacking Faults in Cold Worked Alpha Brasses. Metall. Trans. AIME, 6A, 493, (1975).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, Kinetics of Diffusion in the Niobium-Aluminum System. Metall. Trans . AIME , 3, 421, (1972).
- Ogurtani T. , and Uygur E. M.Diffusion of Nitrogen in Niobium with Special Reference to Temperature Dependence of the Activation Energy. Trans. Japan Inst. of Metals , 13(6), 396, (1972).
- Tarik O. OGURTANI, The Kinetics of Hydrogen Diffusion in Niobium. Metall. Trans. , AIME, 2, 3035, (1971).
- Ogurtani T. , and Huggins R. A.An Analysis of MNR Lines Intensity in Severly Deformed Copper. METU J. Pure and Applied Sciences , 1(2), 155, (1968).
- Tarik O. OGURTANISpecial Problems on the Dislocation Electron Interaction in Metals. METU Faculty of Engineering Publications, No:10, (1968).
- Ogurtani T. , and Huggins R. A.Theory of Elastic Field Gradient due to Conduction Electron Charge Density Redistribution Around Screw Dislocation in Metals Phys. Status Solidi , 24, 301, (1967).
- Ogurtani T. , and Huggins R. A.Contribution of Conduction Electron Redistribution to Quadrupole Interaction in Plastically Deformed Copper. Phys. Rev . , 137, A1736, (1965).
- Stoebe T. , Ogurtani T. ,Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Studies of Diffusion of Al23 in Aluminum and Aluminum Alloys. Acta Met., 13, 701, (1965).
- Stoebe T., Ogurtani T. , and Huggins R. A.Influence of Paramagnetic Impurities on the Temperature Dependence of NMR Lines. Phys. Rev . , 138, A239, (1965).
- Stoebe T., Ogurtani T. , and Huggins R. A.Correlation Correction of NMR Studies of Diffusion. Phys. Status Solidi, 12, 649, (1965).
- Stoebe T., Ogurtani T. , and Huggins R. A.Influence of Paramagnetic Impurities on the Temperature Dependence of NMR Lines. Stanford DMS Report 27, (1964).
- Ogurtani T.The Theory of Nuclear Quadrupole Interactions Related to Imperfections in Metals. Stanford DMS Report, 19, (1964).
- Stoebe T., Ogurtani T. , and Huggins R. A.Motional Narrowing of NMR Lines in Mn Doped LiF. Stanford DMS Report 2 , (1964).
- Stoebe T., Ogurtani T. , and Huggins R. A.Motional Narrowing of NMR Lines in Mn Doped LiF. Phys. Rev., 134, A963, (1964).
- Ogurtani T.The General Formulation of Diffusion and Random Flight Theory in Crystalline Solids. Stanford DMS Report , (1962).
- Ogurtani T.General Treatment of Multi-Ionized Impurities in Semiconductors. Stanford DMS Report , (1962).
- Ogurtani T.Mechanism of Diffusion of Copper in Germanium. Stanford DMS Report, (1962).
Last Updated:
26/04/2022 - 17:23