Yavuz Topkaya

Research Interests:
- Extractive Metallurgy in General
- Hydrometallurgy
- Pretreatment Processes
- Mineral Processing
- Use of Computers in Extractive Metallurgy in Particular
- Waste Treatment and Utilization
- Pournaderi, S.; Keskinkilic, E.; Geveci, A.; Topkaya Y, "Laboratory-scale smelting of limonitic laterite ore from Central Anatolia", Journal of the Southern African Institute of Mining and Metallurgy, 117, 7, 2017
- Akgun, B., Camurlu, H.E., Topkaya Y., Sevinc N., "Mechanochemical and volume combustion synthesis of ZrB2", International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials, 29 (5), 601-607, 2011
- Büyükakıncı E, Topkaya Y.A , "Extraction of Nickel from Lateritic Ores at Atmospheric Pressure with Agitation Leaching", Hydrometallurgy 97 : 33-38, 2009
- Çamurlu E.H, Topkaya Y, Sevinç N, "Catalytic Effect of Alkaline Earth Oxides on Carbothermic Formation of Hexagonal Boron Nitride", Ceramic International 35 : 2271—2275, 2009
- Kul M, Topkaya Y, Karakaya İ, "Rare Earth Double Sulphates From Pre-Concentrated Bastnasite", Hydrometallurgy 93: 129-135, 2008
- Ruşen A, Sunkar A.S, Topkaya Y.A, "Zinc and Lead Extraction from Çinkur Leach Residues by Using Hydrometallurgical Method", Hydrometallurgy 93: 45-50, 2008
- Kul M, Topkaya Y, "Recovery of Germanium and Other Valuable Metals from Zinc Plant Residues", Hydrometallurgy 92: 87-94, 2008
- Bilgi E, Çamurlu H.E, Akgün B, Topkaya Y, Sevinç N, "Formation of TiB2 by Volume Combustion and Mechanochemical Process", Materials Research Bulletin 43: 873-881, 2008
- Çamurlu H.E, Sevinç N, Topkaya Y, "Effect of Calcium Carbonate Addition on Carbothermic Formation of Hexagonal Boron Nitride", 28: 679-689, 2008
- Keskinkılıç E, Geveci A, Topkaya Y.A, Desulphurization Characteristics of Ladle Furnace Slags of a Low Sulphur Steel, Canadian Metallurgical Quarterly 46: 391-396, 2007
- Çamurlu H.E, Sevinç N, Topkaya Y, "Role of Boron Carbide in Carbothermic Formation of Hexagonal Boron Nitride", Journal of Material Science 41: 4921-4927, 2006
- Topkaya Y, Sevinc N, Gunaydin A, "Slag Treatment at Kardemir Integrated Iron and Steel Works", International Journal of Mineral Processing 74 (1-4): 31-39 Nov 2004
Last Updated:
26/04/2022 - 17:23