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Ekrem Selçuk
Prof. Dr.

Research Interests:
  • Solidification
  • Casting and Shaping
  • Metal Recrycling
  • Elmabrouk O, Kalkanli A, Selcuk E, et al. Oxygen potential values to produce compacted graphite cast iron CANADIAN METALLURGICAL QUARTERLY Volume: 47 Issue: 2 Pages:173-186 Published: APR 2008
  • E.Selcuk, "Centrifugal Casting of Steel-Babbitt Composite Bearings", 30th Annual Conference of Metallurgist in Ottowa CANADA, paper No: 44. 2 August 1991. E.Selcuk, "Rebirth of Zn-Al Alloys", Ibid paper no: 44.4
  • E.Selcuk, "Energy Conservation in Steel Industry" 1st International Conference, Energy, Economy, Ecology, Baku Azerbaycan. August 1991.
  • E.Selcuk, "Development of Fiber Glass Reinforced Aluminium Alloys" ESDA 2nd Biennial Joint Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analyses. Vol.64.2, pp.181-186, 1994.
  • E.Selcuk, "Improvement in the Impact Toughness of Aluminium Fiber Glass Composites" CIM 33rd Annual Conference of Metallurgist, 25 August 1994, Toronto Canada.
  • E.Selcuk, H.Aygun, "Why Radiographic NDT Testing Gives False Alarm?", EUROMAT'94, pp.245-250, 1994.
  • E.Selcuk, H. Kalebozan, "Interfacial Structure of Candidate Metal-Ceramic Composites" EUROMAT'94, pp.949-953, 1994.
  • E.Selcuk, H. Kalebozan, "Measurements of Interfacial Energy Between Liquid Copper and Various Ceramic Substrates" J.High Temperatures-High Pressures, Vol.26, pp.149-156, 1994
  • E.Selcuk, A.Kalkanli, D.Grant, J.V.Wood, "The Effect of Surface Active Elements on the Liquid-Vapour Surface Tension of Liquid Stainless Steel", J.High Temperatures-High Pressures, Vol.25, pp.435-442, 1994.

Last Updated:
27/02/2025 - 16:47