Mustafa Doruk

Mustafa Doruk (2017)
Prof. Dr.
Bölümümüzün kurucusu, değerli bilim adamı ve saygıdeğer insan Prof. Dr. Mustafa Doruk hocamız, 1 Temmuz 2017 tarihinde vefat etmiştir.
- Alanyalioglu, T.A.; Doruk, M., "SEM Investigation of Pits in a Base Metal Casting Alloy", Tr. J. of Medical Sciences - Supplement, 162, 1995.
- Anik, M.; Doruk, M., "Effect of Loading Direction and Long-Term Aging on Fatigue-Crack Growth in Al-Li Alloy 2090", Proc. AGARD Conference on Corrosion Detection and Management of Advanced Airframe Materials, No. 565, 3.1, 1995.
- Fayad, N.A., Doruk, M., "A Study in Stress Corrosion Cracking Susceptibility of 7050-T73651 Aluminum Alloy in 3.5% NaCl", 12th International Corrosion Congress, held 19-24 September 1993 in Houston, Texas.
- Sarioglu, F., Abachi, P., Doruk, M., "Crack Growth Kinetics of 7050-T73651 Aluminum Alloy under Constant Load at 150¡C", Journal of Materials Science, 28, 1430, 1993.
- Gurbuz, R., Doruk, M., Schotz, W., "Effect of Salt Water Fog on Fatigue Crack Growth Behavior of 7050 Aluminum Alloy in Different Orientations", Journal of Materials Science, 26, 1032, 1991.
Last Updated:
02/09/2020 - 13:28